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Gokiraji, Roboroach

“Gokiraji” is a combination of “Gokiburi” (cockroaches) and “Rajikon” (remote-controlled). This is Gokiraji, the Japanese electronic cockroach which can be charged with USB.

The price is about 21 US dollars.

In robotic, there are two research fields which related to animal and robotics. First, biomorphic robotic is a sub-discipline of robotic, focused on emulating the mechanics, sensor systems, and computing system to mimic the behaviour of animals (wiki). The other is animatronic, which is the use of mechatronic to animate rather than robotic (wiki: en,de). Jurassic Park, the movies, are example of the usage of animatronics.

Nürnberg, 13 Mei 2012


May 13, 2012 Posted by | Robotika | | 1 Comment